Welcome to my site, here I will explain how I got into martial arts as well as my school. My name is Dwayne Holt and im a black belt in jiyu seishindo karate. More about my school is on this site.
My Favorites
im into karate because it has been my dream. My karate school is Richardson Family Karate. I built a website
but you might not be able to go to it because of bandwith problems. But there is another site which I made, it
has some videos of me doing some freestyle with my nunchuck and swords. Feel free to check it out http://richardsonkarate.bravehost.com it also has some history of how it all started and how i got into it, feel free to check it out
My Hobbies
Nunchucks, Swords, Karate.
Most Admired
Sensei Richardson